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"ladies, i am having an epiphany. the world is made up of two types of women. the simple girls and the katie girls. i am a katie girl. and where are our drinks?"
iikka: kiss the girls...fucking christ this is a good dogdamn movie!
iikka: i just upgraded my comcast today
Speedmo9: watch it them biuatch
Speedmo9: coo
iikka: and i have every channel imaginable
iikka: i can watch and drink
iikka: and talk
iikka: im alone tonight
Speedmo9: im derunk
iikka: well ive got two cats, two fish, and like 10 more beers, and two bottles of wine
Speedmo9: been drunkin since nooner
iikka: ill have to catch up
Speedmo9: magaritqas
Speedmo9: and syum beers
Speedmo9: and im gonna be ghooked up later on
iikka: wish i was with you
iikka: huh?
Speedmo9: with some guy named giy
Speedmo9: i wish you were here too
Speedmo9: huh what
iikka: ghooked?
Speedmo9: hooked
Speedmo9: set up
iikka: ashley judd is hot too
iikka: but i loooove morgan freeman
iikka: sex?
iikka: fucking?
Speedmo9: dustys sisters boygfriend ,knows this guy named guy
Speedmo9: and she wants to set me up
iikka: i wouldnt do a guy named guy
Speedmo9: but ive been lying by the ppoo all day
iikka: well id do a guy named guy over a guy named girl
Speedmo9: and am birned and tanned and drunk and sweaty and drunk
iikka: get yet smog on
iikka: yer i mean
Speedmo9: haha
Speedmo9: a guy named guy over a guy named gulrl
Speedmo9: good good
Speedmo9: love you
iikka: hehe four beers and i already cant type
iikka: okayeee
iikka: ooooh sheeit
iikka: kate just got away
iikka: fuuuuuck yeah bitch!
iikka: they always trip
Speedmo9: can i send you a song
iikka: they always fucking trip
iikka: yes ma'am
Speedmo9: oik
Speedmo9: you seen anchorman
iikka: yeah
Speedmo9: ok
Speedmo9: youre gonna alove this
iikka: oh shit
iikka: jjump and kill yourself
iikka: dont let him get you
iikka: yeah bitch!
iikka: holy shit
iikka: she did it!
iikka: try again
Speedmo9: wqhaaaa!
iikka: she fucking jujmped
iikka: have you SEEN this movie?
Speedmo9 wants to send file C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\My Documents\download\iikka\Starland Vocal Band - Afternoon delight - Super Hits of the 70's.mp3.
iikka: its better than fucking a guy named guy
Speedmo9: this is my new favorite song
Speedmo9: ok
Speedmo9: im gonna sing it to you
Speedmo9: accept mutha twat
iikka: please do
Kremmm: you ARE drunk Kremmm: dummo iikka: did i tell you i upgraded to the most extreme comcast package iikka: i forget what its called Kremmm: for cable? iikka: every dogdamn channel, PLUS every dogdamn channel in spanish, PLUS every dogdamn channel in fucking mandarin Kremmm: um Kremmm: why would you do that? iikka: i want to learn mandarin Kremmm: would you nail morgan freeman iikka: morgan freeman in '97iikka: not today Kremmm: hahaha Kremmm: yeah
Speedmo9: hey guess what
Speedmo9: i got a job
Kremmm: how
Kremmm: what
kdusts: what!
Kremmm: what?
kdusts: what?
Kremmm: where?
Kremmm: who?
Kremmm: que?
kdusts: haha i was gonna go there too!
Speedmo9: i work for handy snacks
kdusts: quien?
Kremmm: beat ya
Speedmo9: i put the little red sticks in the cheese and crackers
Kremmm: huh?
kdusts: whaaa?
Kremmm: oh stop it
Kremmm: stop toying with our emotions
kdusts: do you actually EAT THAT SHIT?!
kdusts: please tell me you're not eating one of those
Speedmo9: haha
kdusts: PLEASE
Speedmo9: nah
kdusts: you are sooo not a factory worker
kdusts: you dumbass
Speedmo9: hahaha
Speedmo9: so what if i were
kdusts: money is money is money...
kdusts: kramer was a bottler once
Kremmm: wine
Kremmm: yum
kdusts: man im sitting so close to the stall here i hope no one comes in and i have to get up
Kremmm: those were good times
Kremmm: stall?
kdusts: well station
kdusts: i dunno what id call my 'workspace'
Kremmm: ahhhh
kdusts: have you guys seen my store?
Kremmm: not the new one
kdusts: REALLY!
kdusts: thats blasphemy
Kremmm: yeah
kdusts: er something
Kremmm: when did y'all move?
kdusts: fuckin a year and a half ago cunt
Kremmm: yeah but when have i been home, really
kdusts: are you yalling me to poke fun or am i rubbing off?
kdusts: =)
Kremmm: hahahaha
kdusts: yeah good point
Kremmm: a little of both
kdusts: when you come home for xmas come see my store
Kremmm: i will damn sure try to be home long enough to do that
kdusts: then youll be able to mentally picture me sitting here talking to you
Kremmm: yes
Kremmm: i should take pictures of my new place
kdusts: i mentally picutre dodo twigging herself with one of those red handysnack sticks right now
Kremmm: hahahaha
Kremmm: ewwwww
Kremmm: twigging?
kdusts: hahah fuuuuck i cant breathe
kdusts: dogdamn!
kdusts: twigging wtf?!
Kremmm: hahaha dude you typed it!
kdusts: i have no clue where that came from!
Kremmm: you crazy bastard
kdusts: it was my alterego
kdusts: zach
Kremmm: aahhh i gotcha
kdusts: hes bi-sexual
Kremmm: haha
Kremmm: wow i should have jumped in on that action
iikka: fuck ive permanently blocked him from memory
iikka: yeah it couldve been our first time together
iikka: hahaha
Kremmm: aawwwww
Speedmo9: my groceries wont be delivered till manana
Kremmm: how romantic
Kremmm: boooo
Speedmo9: i know
Kremmm: i want to order from freshdirect
iikka: i dont want to eat for the rest of my life now
iikka: ugh
iikka: who grosses you guys out? ill make y'all not hungry
iikka: how bout nick hickman?
iikka: and dodo....ummmm
Speedmo9: nah
Speedmo9: still hungry
iikka: what was that guys name
Speedmo9: oh
Speedmo9: what guy
Speedmo9: big mike
iikka: who you made out with ALL FUCKING DAY LONG
Speedmo9: whoooaaaahhhh
iikka: in HS
Speedmo9: haha
Speedmo9: adam withers
Speedmo9: yeah
iikka: yeeeeah
iikka: him
Speedmo9: what a dildo
iikka: but he wasnt gross
Speedmo9: nah
iikka: just a player
Speedmo9: he wasnt so bad
Kremmm: i never made out with nick hickman
Speedmo9: haha
Speedmo9: he TRIED to be a player
Kremmm: you mean "playa"
iikka: but you got fucking close
Kremmm: meh
iikka: who do you guys regret?
Speedmo9: big mike
Speedmo9: gross
iikka: who is he?
Speedmo9: and probably the guy with the black tooth
Speedmo9: eh
iikka: hahah fuuuuuck i just spit some water out
Speedmo9: a gross guy
Speedmo9: hahaha
Speedmo9: yeah
Speedmo9: you couldnt reeally see it
Speedmo9: his breath didnt smell or anything
Speedmo9: and he was cute
Speedmo9: cept for the black tooth
Speedmo9: and i was drunk
iikka: you couldnt see it b/c it was black
iikka: or b/c it was far back?
Speedmo9: no it was like
Speedmo9: black and brown and green
Speedmo9: hahaha
Speedmo9: it was like the 4th tooth back
Speedmo9: it wasnt green
iikka: 4th tooth black you mean
iikka: hahaha
Speedmo9: just a little black and brown
Speedmo9: hahaha
Speedmo9: hardy har HAR
iikka: DUR
Kremmm: ohhh lordy
iikka: did you ever ask what was wrong with it?
iikka: kramer who do you regret?
Kremmm: uhhhhhhh
Speedmo9: no
Speedmo9: just made out, put out, threw him out, and never saw him again
Kremmm: i don't really regret anybody, but there a few that i wouldn't hook up with again if given the chance
iikka: thats fair enough
Kremmm: the guy who stuck my finger up his butt, that was less than ideal
Kremmm: but the sex was still a fun romp
rest of the convo...
Speedmo9: what doesnt belong here
Speedmo9: eggs, meat, wife, blowjob
iikka: wife?
iikka: err eggs?
Speedmo9: no
Speedmo9: a blowjob
iikka: why
Speedmo9: cause, you can beat your eggs, you can beat your meat, you can beat your wife
Speedmo9: but nuthin beats a blowjob
Speedmo9: a truck hits a woman on the street
Speedmo9: whos fault is it?
Speedmo9: the truckers or the womans
Speedmo9: the womans
iikka: why
Speedmo9: what the fuck is she doing out of the kitchen!
Speedmo9: ok
iikka: ha
Speedmo9: a motorcycle hits a woman
Speedmo9: whos fault is it
iikka: the womans?
Speedmo9: the motorcyclists
iikka: of course
iikka: why?
Speedmo9: what the fuck is he doing driving a motorcycle in the kitchen
iikka: haha i didnt see that coming
this is better with the volume off...
kDeUSTerMAN: dude i listened to that cd
kDeUSTerMAN: well like 2 songs
Speedmo9: oh yeah
kDeUSTerMAN: i couldnt handle all the 'jesus love'
Speedmo9: thinking about converting?
kDeUSTerMAN: tooo much for me
kDeUSTerMAN: i had to counteract it with some e-40 and lil kim
kDeUSTerMAN: fuckinbitchesintheass type shit
Speedmo9: right right
kDeUSTerMAN: im gonna pass it on to my dad though, he might enjoy it
kDeUSTerMAN: or else im burning it
kDeUSTerMAN: literally like in the fireplace
kDeUSTerMAN: not on my comp
kDeUSTerMAN: fuck i should upload somma this shit and send it to you
Speedmo9: yeup
kDeUSTerMAN: im kinda into watches
kDeUSTerMAN: tell me if that link works
Speedmo9: yeah?
Speedmo9: i dont wear one
Speedmo9: this ones nice if you like cats
kDeUSTerMAN: do i like cats or do i like cats?
Speedmo9: i guess you kinda do
Speedmo9: haha
kDeUSTerMAN: meh, i shouldnt go spending any money
kDeUSTerMAN: i did buy two new bags yesterday though
Speedmo9: oh yeah
Speedmo9: thats fun
Speedmo9: mike is going to take on you on dr phil because of your money spending
Speedmo9: hahaha
kDeUSTerMAN: dr phil can eat me
Speedmo9: you think hed be good at it?
kDeUSTerMAN: fuck no
kDeUSTerMAN: i bet they dont even fuck
kDeUSTerMAN: he wouldnt know my pussy from his own bald head
Speedmo9: thats too bad for him
Speedmo9: hes rich though
kDeUSTerMAN: full of shit
kDeUSTerMAN: i watched him the other day out of boredom
kDeUSTerMAN: i wanted to shoot him
Speedmo9: yeah
Speedmo9: i never watch it
kDeUSTerMAN: it was something good
kDeUSTerMAN: hmmm
kDeUSTerMAN: ahhhh about prenups!
Speedmo9: aah
Speedmo9: he was for them?
kDeUSTerMAN: people not wanting to sign and throwing them on the other person at the last minute
kDeUSTerMAN: i dont know i didnt watch long enough
kDeUSTerMAN: hahahah
Speedmo9: i gotta get out of this place
Speedmo9: its too messy
kDeUSTerMAN: i asked youa bout a song earlier
Speedmo9: i think i have the song thats out right now
kDeUSTerMAN: hahaha
kDeUSTerMAN: its like hey or ho or something
kDeUSTerMAN: i knew it was one word
kDeUSTerMAN: i was on the right track =)
Speedmo9: yeah you were
kDeUSTerMAN: send it to meh
kDeUSTerMAN: see i need to buy a new laptop so i dont need to use you for your dling
Speedmo9: yeah
kDeUSTerMAN: but i heart you for being so willing
Speedmo9: fo sho
kDeUSTerMAN: thanks for the song bitch
kDeUSTerMAN: hey did you like my sf pics
Speedmo9: no problemo
kDeUSTerMAN: i dont know what the fuck was up with my drunk ass chesire cat smiling
Speedmo9: lemme look
Speedmo9: oh
Speedmo9: my
Speedmo9: god
Speedmo9: they were "literally" wearing the same thing
kDeUSTerMAN: hahah yeah
kDeUSTerMAN: even down to the shoes!
Speedmo9: i thought you meant generally they were all wearing some kind of stripe and check
Speedmo9: wow
kDeUSTerMAN: they rocked it
Speedmo9: i like your shades
kDeUSTerMAN: i took those from jkDeUSTerMAN: thats another thing i need another pair of sunglasses
Speedmo9: me too
kDeUSTerMAN: maybe ill go shopping tom
Speedmo9: i dont have any
kDeUSTerMAN: sunglasses and a watch
kDeUSTerMAN: i STILL use that pair i bought in vegas
Speedmo9: i lost both pairs that i had
kDeUSTerMAN: they're kinda scratched tho
kDeUSTerMAN: btw when are we going to vegas
kDeUSTerMAN: it needs to be in the next 4 months
Speedmo9: i dont know
Speedmo9: we should try to arrange it when my parents go so we can get a free room
Speedmo9: they go once or twice a month depending on work
kDeUSTerMAN: i washed my purse the other night
kDeUSTerMAN: it turned out well
kDeUSTerMAN: so i didnt really need to buy those other two
kDeUSTerMAN: but hell they're all diff colors & styles so its all good
Speedmo9: hahaha
kDeUSTerMAN: i think i need to go to shoes/handbags/watches anonymousSpeedmo9: dont ask me to be your sponsorkDeUSTerMAN: hahaha
Kremmm: it would be SUCH a great apartment to have parties in
kDeUSTerMAN: thats very impt
Kremmm: yeah
Kremmm: very very much so
Kremmm: it's way closer to the subway than we are now too
kDeUSTerMAN: im crossing my fingers biatch
Kremmm: me too
Kremmm: dave is a good haggler
Kremmm: he's going to meet the realtor in like a half hour
Kremmm: check the place out
kDeUSTerMAN: are you going with him?
Kremmm: yeah
kDeUSTerMAN: start singing cure songs
kDeUSTerMAN: i bet youll get it if you do that
kDeUSTerMAN: close to you...
Kremmm: hahaha
Kremmm: why the cure?
Kremmm: show me show me show me how you do that trick
kDeUSTerMAN wants to send file C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Kate\Music\The Cure - Close To Me.mp3.
Kremmm: i already have that
kDeUSTerMAN: well listen to it then
Kremmm: hahaha i AM
kDeUSTerMAN: its good real estate music
kDeUSTerMAN: oh ahhahaha
Kremmm: hahahaha
kDeUSTerMAN: itll calm you down and make you not so giddy bout wantin the place
Kremmm: wait were you sending me the fast version or the slow version
kDeUSTerMAN: plus the 'close to you' ex-neighbor vibes
Kremmm: hahaha
Kremmm: good call
kDeUSTerMAN: there are two versions?
kDeUSTerMAN: send me what you call 'fast'
Kremmm wants to send file C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\download\kdeusterman\Close To Me.mp3.
Kremmm: eat that
Kremmm: num num num
kDeUSTerMAN received C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\download\kdeusterman\Close To Me.mp3.
kDeUSTerMAN: dodo and i were discussing if dr phil could eat pussy
Kremmm: hmmmm
Kremmm: i wonder
Kremmm: i wouldn't want him to eat mine
kDeUSTerMAN: nor mine
kDeUSTerMAN: yeah that one took a little meth
Kremmm: hahaha
kDeUSTerMAN: plus its got clapping in the background
kDeUSTerMAN: my version is more chill
Kremmm: okay send me yours
kDeUSTerMAN wants to send file C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Kate\Music\The Cure - Close To Me.mp3.
Kremmm: see, i knew there were different versions
Kremmm: i ain't no fool
kDeUSTerMAN: bitch is taking forever
Kremmm received C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Kate\Music\The Cure - Close To Me.mp3.
Kremmm: hahahahahaaha i love how you said that my version took a little meth
Kremmm: that's hilarious
kDeUSTerMAN: :-D
kDeUSTerMAN: it did
kDeUSTerMAN: not a lot
kDeUSTerMAN: just a little
Kremmm: just a little
Kremmm: maybe a little coked up
kDeUSTerMAN: yeah prob coke instead of meth
kDeUSTerMAN: or maybe even just ephedra
Kremmm: yeah
kDeUSTerMAN: but the clapping is meth addict shit
kDeUSTerMAN: haha
Kremmm: just a lil something for the clappin
kDeUSTerMAN: so slide over here!
kDeUSTerMAN: and give me a moment!
Kremmm: and give me a moment
kDeUSTerMAN: your moves are so raw!
Kremmm: your moves are so raw
kDeUSTerMAN: ive got to let you know!
Kremmm: i've got to let you know
kDeUSTerMAN: you're onna my kind!
Kremmm: you're onna my kind
kDeUSTerMAN: i need you tonight
Kremmm: we spelled "ONNA!" the same!
kDeUSTerMAN: haha we are so ETKremmm: jesus
"life is like facing the wrong way on the train. because, you see, the present, the bit of countryside that's exactly equal to where you are, is over before you know it's there, and then all you have is the dwindling afterward of it. and though you can guess what sorts of things are going to come rushing over your shoulder, because you can see roughly what sort of terrain you're in, there's always the chance of something really unexpected or scary, like a tunnel, or a field with horses."
BCBGirls Gaho in Mint, love love LOVE this color
Chanel Irreelle Duo eyeshadows, Orient Express,
Emerald Coast & Sunset Gold are my favs
This bed is on fire with passion and loveThe neighbors complain about the noises aboveBut she only comes when shes on topMy therapist not to see you no moreShe said you're like a disease without any cureShe said I'm so obsessed that I'm becoming a bore oh no Ah, you think you're so pretteeee-eeeeeeee-eeeeeeeeeeee-eeeeeeeeCaught your hand inside the tillSlammed your fingers in the doorFought with kitchen knives and skeweeeeeeersDressed me up in womens clothesMessed around with gender rolesDye my eyes and call me pretteeeee-eeeeeeeeeeee-eeeeeeeeeee-eeeeeeeMoved out of the house, so you moved next doorI locked you out, you cut a hole in the wallI found you sleeping next to me, I thought I was aloneYou're driving me crazy, when are you coming home
So, Aidan came over last night after his band played at the bar. They were pretty good. He's the drummer and wore a blue dickies jumpsuit. It was kinda hot. They did a really good cover of Rocky Racoon, which you've gotta love. Then we came back here and partied like rock stars till 6am. For unfortunate reasons there was no boneing...boning??, but I have a feeling it may happen some time soon. Wink wink. If hes lucky that is. He looks just like Aidan when we all first met him.....when he had the long hair. Love you - byeSpdmowhat exactly does 'partied like a rock star mean'?!?Speedmo9: you know....wake up - drink - lay out by the pool - smoke cigarettes - drink - bbq - bar - party till 6 - bed - wake up - start drinking - more pool and sun - more drinking - bar to watch the boys in the band - sara dancing on stage and the tables a la penny lane from almost famous - powder - drinking - house party after the boys show was done - drinking - bed at 7 am Speedmo9: you know the routineSpeedmo9: the house was a pigstye last night Speedmo9: and now its all overSpeedmo9: great fun was had by allSpeedmo9: we do it right when theres a bday around hereSpeedmo9: except when its mine cause my mom was in town.....and of course it wasnt summerROCK ON!