1. i'm out of cat litter
2. the neighbhors down the street keep putting huge ass shit in their garbage cans and it never gets picked up, i mean like, what's it going to take for them to get that the cardboard/tree limbs/whatever have to actually fit in the can for it to be taken away...??
3. three words: PAVE ARNOLD DRIVE
4. i got into a fight with a telemarketer bitch before i left work today. they always call and ask for 'the owner'. well, too bad b/c 'the owner' doesn't work there, but i do, and im 'the manager' and im basically un-technically 'the owner' so any decision to be made will be made by myself. all of these calls are always the same, they want to 'verify' info for some national or statewide directory or something or other. i always tell them 'thank you for calling but we're not interested, we'd like to be taken off of this phone number list, thanks and have a good evening' and then i hang up. im always friendly b/c i understand how much it would suck to have to do their job, but im not gonna hang around to listen to what they have to say. so i hang up on this bitch. and then she calls back! and she gives me some fucking attitude like 'i want to know why you hang up, i ask to talk to owner, not you, and you hang up and you are rude, i want your boss to know how rude you are.' and im just like wait wait wait i said we're not interested, end of story. i cant really understand her accent but shes getting mad and she keeps asking for the owner to tell him how rude i am, so im like I AM THE OWNER and i told you i want nothing to do with what you're trying to sell me or whatever list you want me on. and she starts going off about how rude i am so i immediately cut her off and ask for her name, number, and then to talk to her manager. and what does the ho say? no! im like wtf? i want to speak to your manager right now! so she says 'no, and what are you gonna do about it?' im like i cant believe you're doing this, this conversation is being taped and you're telling me you wont let me talk to your superior so too bad, what am i gonna do about it? so instead of being level headed and calm and saying something like well you already told me where you're calling from and a number came up on my caller id so i could call the better business bureau, i said..."fuck you you dirty ass fucking cunt" and then i hung up on her again. she did not call back.
4. because its so cold and raining, the ants are wanting back into the house. i hate ants.
things not pissing me off...
1. my dvr
2. my ice cold bottle of domaine chandon
3. anything lime green...

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