*i miss my dad =(*

*definitely the best shot of both my fabulous hair (ive got the bestest colorist in the entire world, i must get at least 2 compliments a day on the color, rawr!)...and my fizzzuckuped collar bone. i want surgery on it so i can have that mofo filed down*

*this dude was wearing the awesomest shoes ever, i totally want a pair*

*self explanatory*

*the required self portrait*

*sean may kick my ass at pool, but after 2-3 beers, im actually fairly damn good. i can even make those fucked up 'have the cue ball bounce off the 7, hit the back side, then angle it off the 3 to hit that side and end up in this pocket' shots*

*two things definitely on the list for my house are a pool table and a piano*

*dinner at the union hotel in santa rosa. the food was actually really good, they have a full bar too so the drinks were good, and i would suggest to anyone to try it out*

*this appears to be half a roast chicken and some rustic red potatos*
*i think this was a sirloin with garlic green beans and roasted potatos*
*my super yummy spinach salad with chicken*
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