Speedmo9: you guys dont know this
Speedmo9: but im the president of her unofficial fan club
Kremmm: of course you are
iikka: i want a fan club
iikka: haha im gonnna rename my blog
Speedmo9: haha
Speedmo9: ill make tshirts for people who become members
Kremmm: hahaha
iikka: hahahah awesome!
iikka: im gonna charge for membership
iikka: yall want in?
Kremmm: oh christ
Kremmm: fuuuuuck no
iikka: itll cost you your firstborn
Speedmo9: hahahaha
Speedmo9: "oh christ" she says
Speedmo9: hahaha
Kremmm: ain't no way imma pay to be a kato fan
iikka: thats fucked up
Kremmm: i'll rename my blog the anti-kato fan club
iikka: im not chosing you to save outta that burning building then, cunt
iikka: yeah try that
iikka: you wont have ANY members
Kremmm: i'll have THOUSANDS
Kremmm: my site will be FREEEEE
iikka: my ass
Kremmm: hey we should get a tattoo
Kremmm: all of us
Speedmo9: im down
Speedmo9: i want to get a pirate ship
Speedmo9: or a pin up girl
Kremmm: you can get a pin up girl humping an anchor hanging from a pirate shit
Kremmm: right on your forearm
Kremmm: like a sailor
iikka: hahaha
iikka: HAHAHAA
Speedmo9: tell me if you like the concept of a goddess first
Speedmo9: before i show you the picture
Speedmo9: cause i really like the pic
iikka: ha kramer just made fun of me yesterday
Kremmm: hmmm, goddess could be good
iikka: for calling myself a goddess
Kremmm: no no
Kremmm: no no kato
iikka: yes you did
Kremmm: tell her the whole sentence you said
iikka: you said you just threw up in your mouth
Kremmm: hahaha
iikka: hahahah
iikka: okay okay
Kremmm: you didn't say "goddess"
iikka: yes
iikka: but other words with it
Kremmm: there were other hilariously retarded words in front of that one
iikka: hahaha
iikka: sooorry anne
Kremmm: hahahaha
Kremmm: i do
iikka: i love yall too
iikka: (im naked btw)
Kremmm: oh hey
Kremmm: HEY
Kremmm: dodd
Speedmo9: yeah
Speedmo9: what
Kremmm: do you think that britney spears had a c section so that she wouldn't pee herself while she's dancing
Speedmo9: no
Speedmo9: i already lectured kate on it earlier
iikka: dodo chastised me about this
Kremmm: hahaha
Kremmm: GOOD
Speedmo9: hahahaha
Speedmo9: kate i love you
iikka: and you had a good point that i didnt think of
Kremmm: what did dodd say
iikka: the whole stomach muscle thing
Speedmo9: yeah
iikka: being cut
Speedmo9: the peeing
Speedmo9: that goes away in a few weeks
Speedmo9: but the muscles
Speedmo9: if you do your kegels its no big deal
Speedmo9: the stomach is way worse
Speedmo9: cause youre cutting through muscle
Speedmo9: muscle that has to fuse back together
Speedmo9: yeah
Kremmm: dodd, i'm glad when you and me and right and kato is wrong
iikka: UH
iikka: YOU WHORE
Kremmm: hahaha
Kremmm: HAHAH
Speedmo9: ooohhhhh daaamn
and please make sure to visit the *anti-kato fan club*
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
*im only posting the convo to explain the pic*

Kremmm: ya know who's kinda hot?
Kremmm: anderson cooper
iikka: eeeewNO
iikka: hahahaha
Kremmm: whaaaat
Kremmm: yeah he is
iikka: hes
iikka: hes
iikka: so
iikka: ahhhh i dunno
Kremmm: what
Kremmm: what is he
iikka: i think its the white hair that bothers me
Kremmm: well
iikka: mbye if it was dyed or shaved or something
Kremmm: i think it's distinguished
iikka: he does have nice stature
iikka: he reminds me of my gpa
Kremmm: AND i think he'd be a fuckin great lay
Kremmm: whoa
Kremmm: weird
Kremmm: i need to get a piece of an older guy like that
iikka: im all over sean hannity
Kremmm: maybe not that old
iikka: HED be a great lay!
Kremmm: but i need to get a piece of somebody over 30
iikka: hes full of piss and vinegar
Kremmm: hannity?
Kremmm: really?
iikka: babe we're practically 30 ourselves
iikka: okay maybe not
iikka: but we're close
Kremmm: ummm, practically 30?
iikka: id put your goal at 40
Kremmm: we're closer to 20 than we are to 30
Kremmm: but i haven't ever fucked anybody over 30 yet
iikka: i recently saw the satc episode where samantha dated that guy who was like 72
Kremmm: i need to start small
iikka: 'a young 72'
Kremmm: haha
Kremmm: a YOUNG 72
Kremmm: haha
haiikka: hehehe
Kremmm: i'm gonna go with no on the sean hannity
Kremmm: i'd nail bill maher though
iikka: ehhh no
Kremmm: and DEFINITELY jon stewart
iikka: he looks moldy!
iikka: oh for fucking sure js!
Kremmm: whatever
Kremmm: moldy
iikka: haha this is funny
Kremmm: i like bill maher
iikka: yeah hes like got a layer of mold
iikka: or fuzz
Kremmm: hahaha weird
iikka: maybe AGAIN its the hair
Kremmm: i'd probably blow chris matthews
Kremmm: or like, let him do me doggy style
Kremmm: hahaha
iikka: hahaha id let him take a piece
Kremmm: but i'm only really saying that because i saw him in midtown last year and he totally checked out my rack
Kremmm: i felt special
iikka: i know i remember
iikka: dude whos the guy who died and why cant i remember his name?
iikka: i would do him
Kremmm: peter jennings?
iikka: yeah
Kremmm: yeah
Kremmm: i'd do tom brokaw
Kremmm: ohhhh i was gonna say somebody else
Kremmm: ohh yeah
iikka: haha what about wolf blitzer
Kremmm: keith olberman
Kremmm: wolf
Kremmm: i like his name
Kremmm: but i dunno
iikka: tom brokaw DEF reminds me of my gpa
Kremmm: http://guardrail.net/AAR/WolfSP.jpg
Kremmm: hahaha wolf blitzer
iikka: hahahahha
iikka: thats funny as hell
Kremmm: haha yeah
iikka: ooooh shit
iikka: thats great
iikka: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6210240/
Kremmm: hahaha
Kremmm: duct tape man
Kremmm: jesus
Kremmm: http://www.celebstation.org/actors/anderson_cooper/Anderson_Cooper-008.jpg
iikka: he looks good there
iikka: i dunno though
iikka: how old is he?
Kremmm: http://www.sondrak.com/archive/BrokawSwimming2JP
iikka: imma say 46
Kremmm: hahahahahahahahaha
iikka: oooohahhahah omg that makes me think of the newest mj story
Kremmm: what
iikka: did you hear about it? htat he rented out some water park in bahrain or wherever the fuck hes living now
Kremmm: whoa
iikka: and he wore this like silvery/white suit that covered up his whole body except like his eyes
Kremmm: http://members.tripod.com/~Ringa/bio.html
iikka: and he looked really fucked up
Kremmm: anderson cooper is in his 30s
Kremmm: born in 1967
iikka: WHAAAT!
iikka: dude no thats way closer to 40
Kremmm: he's 38
iikka: i thought for a second there like 32ish
Kremmm: hahaha
iikka: yeah then i did the math
iikka: god that fucking pic of tom brokaw is great
Kremmm: haha
Kremmm: i know
Kremmm: classic
iikka: i need to find out more about this recent mj sighting
Kremmm: haha yeah
Kremmm: he's fuckin nuts
Kremmm: wow i should go hang out by the CNN studios and meet anderson cooper
iikka: http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20050830/ap_en_mu/people_michael_jackson
Kremmm: great name
iikka: yah he could be your 'goal'
Kremmm: and he's a vanderbilt
Kremmm: which is crazy
Kremmm: he's selling neverland, mj, right?
iikka: fuckifiknow i just want to find a pic of him in this supposed 'suit'
Kremmm: ha
Kremmm: hot
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Monday, September 05, 2005
Saturday, September 03, 2005
*some random favorites of mine...*

softest fluffiest bestest lovey ever!
over 15 fucking years old and still going strong! love you catcat!

got a ticket less than two weeks after getting the car...my first one in over 3 years...passed a truck doing 120, slowed down & friggin motorcycle cop pulls me over..."miss did you know you were doing 80 mph when you passed that truck?" me: "80? hahaha, yeah, yeah i did."

black cars rock it

uuuah! first jetta that mike almost got himself killed in
ahhh love you impdog

sweet little selfish adorable bitchy litte kato w/dad at disneyland, mustve been like 5 or 6

garsh! do we look alike or WHAT? love you jenwaa!

I LUVRE you so much dad!

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